
Friday, May 1, 2009

Station Break ... Car Party!

I've been making pretty good progress planning and beginning to make some of the crafty, pretty things for Happy Vee's Circus birthday party in July. But now I'm in complete hyperspeed mode trying to pull together Smarty Pant's vroom, vroom Race Car birthday party in a couple of weeks-- How can it already be May???!!!

Smarty Pant's had a huge 1st birthday bash and a medium-sized 2nd birthday party. So for his 3rd birthday we're doing a small and intimate family party hosted at Grandpa & Grandma Tee's house-- Well, in our family small and intimate is 24 people... I saw this invite idea at Creative Parties and Showers, cranked out the invitations and mailed them out the other day. My version isn't as cute, but they fit the theme, right?

At his request, I'm also making a couple of cars for him out of cardboard boxes. I figured the little kids would enjoy running around in them. He's obsessed with the movie CARS so I was happy to find the Rust-Eze and Dinoco logos online. I'll post pics later when I'm done-- it's a bit more time consuming than I thought it would be!

I also picked up some black tableclothes (for the road tablescape), red, yellow & green plates and some black & white streamers to decorate. I just need to come up with some favors and a couple of activities for the kids. For the menu I'm thinking lasagna (or baked ziti), a chicken dish, salad and garlic bread. I'm outsourcing the cake to Kings Hawaiian Bakery-- I'm not a cake person, but their Paradise and Dobash cakes are to die for! Smarty Pants saw their race car cake when we were there a few months ago and it made a big impression-- When we ask him what he wants for his birthday he says "the race car cake!".
Vroom, vroom, vroom... gotta get going!