
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Etsy Love - My Favorite Purchases

Like most craft-loving, unique-seekin' people, once I discovered ETSY, I was a goner.  Sometimes it's just a little too easy with Paypal... if you know what I mean.  I have "hearted" many items, but here are a few of my favorite purchases.

More beautiful in person and amazingly constructed.  I purchased several as gifts (she has many beautiful fabric choices) and I'll probably keep this lovely for myself!

I bought this for one of Smarty Pant's girlfriends.  Very well made and since it's made out of oilcloth, both functional and pretty. She makes pretty hair accessories too.

I went crazy at this shop-- baking cups, sprinkles, pastry tips, party favors...So many pretty things to gussy up a party!

This was my "mommy" gift for myself. Since I only have 2 kids, I put "my boys" instead of a 3rd name.  Very well made and has stood up to Happy Vee yanking on it-- yanking my chain, so to speak {ha ha!}

The prettiest trashbag I've ever seen...for the car or otherwise.  And very ingenious in design and function too.  I bought several of these as presents.

I had to buy these signs for my boys.  Smarty Pants has "monster" fear and the sign makes him feel better. I'm hoping the Sweet Dreams sign rubs off on Happy Vee... what I'd do for a good night's sleep!

If you have kids, you probably know that they like to use their heads as "stoppers".  These babies are in constant use at our house.  Since they're filled with flax seed, they're never too cold, not wet at all, and soft to touch. Lifesavers!

I like unique pieces and I like it even better if there's some sort of history behind it.  I "googled" the name of the ship and it turns out that the medallion may be over 100 years old. Sweet!
