
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Children's Art as... Art

Ah yes, kids art. 

It multiplies like bunnies.

 Yet it's so cute that you wouldn't...



Throw it away. 

But something must be done...

Before you lose your mind!

Here are some great ideas to contain and display kiddie art~

via how does she? {art into a digital collage}
via ohdeedoh {yardstick ledges}
sarah jane via ohdeedoh {kid art cut into animal shapes}
art me kids via tiny decor blog {art on canvas} 

shannon fricke via decor8 {heart art wall}

jan eleni via design mom {another digital art collage}

charlene prince via project nursery {colorful art wall}

design sponge {art wire display}

via project nursery {interchangeable artwork frame}

via a thousand words {and yet another digital collage idea}

design sponge {art card}


It really is amazing how quickly kiddie art accumulates-- I have a large box full of Smarty Pant's art and he's not even 4 years old!

I'm going the art wire and digital picture route.  I bought this curtain wire from Ikea back in January and just need to set it up in the playroom-- it's on the to-do list. 

The idea of taking digital photos of the art and making a poster (or card) is genius!  It would be an easy project in Photoshop.  And if I photograph and document the art, then maybe I can throw away a few... just a few. 

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