
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Children's Art Revisited

I posted about Children's Art (and what to do with it) a while ago and I've been waiting for the right opportunity to create something out of the ever-expanding collection of artwork that Smarty Pants brings home from preschool each week.

Well, today I finally had my opportunity. My sister-in-law dotes on the boys and thinks that everything they do is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. And I'm really not exaggerating when I say that... She simply adores them!  So for her birthday, I wanted to give her something special that she could keep that the boys had a hand in creating.

[nice sentence... I had a glass of wine tonight and I only partake once every blue moon... the words are just not coming... what was I saying?  oh yeah, I apologize... carry on!]

Here's the inspiration~


And here's what it was transformed into~

::Birthday Card::


pom pom topper made with a gymboree bag... perfect color match!
how-to and more detail on the upcycled pom pom here

And if you're wondering what's inside the box...


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