
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Beheaded {for the love of taxidermy}

Taxidermy has always given me the heebie-jeebies.  The glassy-eyed empty stare, the "I once was a lovely being, but  now I'm stuck on your wall"...  I love animals, but I prefer them alive and frolicking in their natural habitat. 

So it took me a while to "get" the latest faux taxidermy rage.  Not sure if any of these will ever find a place in my home, but they are conversation starters and do add a touch of fun to an otherwise ho-hum room.

cardboard version via uncommon goods
ceramic version via williams-sonoma home

origami version via si studio

this would be a fun towel hook for the bathroom
hooks via anthropologie

darling wall art for a kid's room
stuffed animal version via planet fur

book page version via anthropologie

faux taxidermy art at the new children's museum
i couldn't find the description and the sign said "please do not touch", but I *think* they're made from found wood.

So, what do you think?  Is faux or real taxidermy for you?