
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Easter Eggs - Flowered

Happy Vee and I are both under-the-weather, but it's given us a good excuse to hang out in our pajamas and lay low.  He's busy watching and reenacting CARS, the movie and I've been playing around with paper, punches & eggs.

Inspired by these pomander balls by Pizzazzerie and these kissing balls from The Idea Room, and with a little change in shape, they became the perfect decor for Spring & Easter.

for some size perspective

and here's the flowered egg on my mantel

{I didn't include a tutorial because Pizzazzerie has already posted an excellent one.  Check it out here.}

I hope you're having a nice weekend.  The Mister got one of the computers up and running-- yahoo! So I'll be back to my somewhat regular post schedule ;)  Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

edited to add:

More Paper Flower Eggs HERE

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