
Monday, May 2, 2011

Oh Martha Monday - Mother's Day

How is it that this coming Sunday is Mother's Day??  This year, with Easter being the latest it could possibly be and Mother's Day being the earliest... Well, until this very moment, I haven't given it much thought.  Thank goodness for Martha and her wealth of creative ideas.  Here are some fun ideas for Mother's Day:

love this button filled vase
full details here

cream scones?  yes please!
recipe here

creative family photo tree mother's day card
full details here

cute for the kids-- customizable "newspaper" printable
printable here

yum!  meyer lemon crepe cake
recipe here and for chocolate lovers, click here

handkerchief peek-a-boo mother's day cards
full details here
pretty paper cherry blossoms
full detail here

How was your weekend?  We had a good one and, the best part... We have phone, tv & internet service. *I think* technology is finally on our side.  Hurray! 

I can't believe it's May!!  This month we're going to be crazy-busy with activities-- 6 birthday parties, including Smarty Pant's, as well as Mother's Day and Teacher Appreciation.  And yet, I'm at a complete standstill.  Does that ever happen to you?  Hopefully the creative mojo will be back this week. 

Have a good one!