
Friday, June 10, 2011

Weekly Inspiration ~ 6.10.11

Some inspiration that I stumbled upon this week...

i'm kinda loving keri russell's home!  simple, yet elegant. be sure to check out the rest of her home on elle decor
as seen on black*eiffel : via elle decor

diy fabric gift wrap tutorial

cute idea for a super hero party invite

this photo makes me wish i wore dresses more often... the slip really makes the dress!

this reminds me that i need to look into some sort of "star wars" storage for the boys... perhaps a drawer organizer? the little figurines and all their accessories need to be contained!
and my goodness, i do believe that those little guys have more accessories than barbie!
via flickr

aren't these vases pretty? an easy diy project.
via a creative mint

How was your week?  The kids and I have been busy our first week of summer vacation and I've been all tuckered-out by late evening (my usual blogging/computer time).  Just wanted to let ya know that we'll be on "blog-lite" the next week or so until summer school starts (and I get a little bit of my sanity back!!).  Have a wonderful weekend!!!