
Friday, July 8, 2011

Catalog Love: J.Crew

Every now and then a catalog  comes my way that is just spot-on-- the photography, the fashion or decor, the colors...  Right now I'm loving J.Crew's July 2011 issue.  Have you seen it?  Here are a few little pretties that caught my eye...

chili pepper red and mint?  yes, please! 

so you love color, but you're afraid of looking like rainbow brite?  these bangles and watches add the perfect pop of color.

ikat shorts... right up my alley!

love these tough & stylish studded accessories designed by eddie borgo

Happy Friday to ya!  Hope you had a nice week.  We had a busy one.  This was Smarty Pant's first week of summer school and, although I was a little nervous about how he'd do with the transition from "all-day play" preschool to kindergarten schoolwork, he's doing pretty well.  The focus of summer school is getting the new students up to speed, and for Smarty Pants that means working on his writing-- his least favorite thing to do... He's making friends though, so hopefully this will make the transition to Kindergarten in September easier. 

Our biggest hurdle is trying to get on an early morning schedule... we were really spoiled by having afternoon preschool and boy is it tough getting everyone up and out of the house by 8 AM!  I guess we have 13+ more years to perfect this  :)

Anyhow, with one child at school, I did manage to start on a project!  *gasp!*  I know... it's been weeks since I've done anything creative.  I hope to share it next week.

Have a fantastic weekend!