
Thursday, November 3, 2011

[Make] Thanksgiving Banner

I'm all about efficiency these days, so I took two projects that I had already made-- the painted burlap banner and the golden beans... and merged them together to create a Thanksgiving Banner.  Don't you love it when things come together like that?  Simple and not too fussy... just my style!

I was going for a subtle look... 

but lately I've have a thing for shiny & metallic-y...

Surprisingly, shiny & metallic-y can be subtle too!
what would you call this? organic with a touch of glam, perhaps?

isn't Smarty Pant's self portrait cute?

Now that that's done, I can focus on the Christmas stuff... I hate to admit it, but "that time of year" is coming up rather quickly.  It's a love/dread thing for me...

Have a great rest of the week!

sharing with...
Somewhat Simple