
Friday, January 4, 2013

[Make] Cork Pencil Holder... with shiny polka dots!

The first project of the New Year!  And of course it has something to do with organization. Just like the next person, I'm trying to start 2013 off on the right foot.  And that means cleaning up the chaos that is my desk. I'll share more about my desk reorg later, but here's one of the projects that I have been working on-- a little pencil holder that I whipped together using supplies that I already have on-hand. Another goal of mine this year... to shop my own craft supplies before heading to the store. I have a craft store addiction, so we'll see how well that goes.  :)

it's called a pencil cup... but where are the pencils? :)

click "Read more" for the tutorial

Cork Pencil Holder Tutorial

materials needed:
cylinder container (tin, plastic or otherwise)
hot glue gun and glue sticks

1. find a cylindrical container with smooth sides. i used a small bucket leftover from this party, but a tin can will also work well. clean the container well before you get started.

2. roll out your cork and place your container on the bottom edge.

3. mark off the top of the container with a pencil. i also measured my container with a ruler to get an accurate measurement. draw a straight line and guess-timate how much cork you'll need to cover the entire container. it's always best to over-estimate and cut it down to size later.

4. cut the cork.

5. wrap the cork around the container and make your final adjustments. glue down the cork using a hot glue gun. you can stop there, it's actually quite cute plain... or with a note tacked on. i entertained the idea of painting it with triangles, polka dots, or a gold-dipped look... but decided that i wanted something shiny, silver and non-permanent... because i like change :)

6. foil tape to the rescue. foil tape is very versatile and i have used it for several projects that need a little shine. it can be found in the  air conditioning/ventilation section of a hardware store. one of the best things about foil tape is the backing... which makes it a good candidate for stickers. i used my circle cutter to cut out circles, but a hole punch or other paper punch would also work. if you don't have a punch or circle cutter, foil stickers should work.

7. remove the backing of the foil tape circle and apply it to your cork pencil holder.

8. the finished polka dot cork pencil holder!

Cork... my latest infatuation.  More of it coming up!