I'm guest blogging over at SEI Lifestyle this week. Yep, five days of posts! Today's the intro, but the next four days will be filled with projects and tutorials.
They gave me free rein over the content of the posts, but I decided to go for it and come up with a week's worth of projects. It wasn't too hard since their products are quality and I had fun working with some new (to me) materials and mediums. If you are looking for beautiful paper, scrapbooking accessories and other craft supplies at a decent price point, be sure to check out SEI Crafts*. And if you're an avid scrapbooker, paper crafter or card maker, definitely check out Club SEI for their monthly kits.
They gave me free rein over the content of the posts, but I decided to go for it and come up with a week's worth of projects. It wasn't too hard since their products are quality and I had fun working with some new (to me) materials and mediums. If you are looking for beautiful paper, scrapbooking accessories and other craft supplies at a decent price point, be sure to check out SEI Crafts*. And if you're an avid scrapbooker, paper crafter or card maker, definitely check out Club SEI for their monthly kits.
I seldom drift into the DIY Fashion realm, but this was a fun and hassle-free project. You'll have to wait until tomorrow for the details though. :)
Have a great week!
*I'm not being paid to write this. SEI provided some materials with which I created the projects mentioned above. All opinions shared here are entirely my own. And that, my friends, is the straight-up truth. :D

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