
Sunday, December 23, 2012

[Home] Our Christmas Home

With the last minute Christmas shuffle and two little guys that are out of school and stir crazy, our home is rarely photo-ready this time of year (or ever, to be honest). The rest of the house is still in disarray, but I wanted to drop off a few photos of our Christmas decorations... if anything for posterity's sake!

Our Tree...
after almost buying a new tree because of broken strands of light, this gadget came to the rescue! no black hole in the christmas tree this year!

Some of the handmade ornaments that I've made in the last few years...

clockwise from top left-- burlap stamped ornament : giant muslin ornament : lace pinecone : crushed shell ornament : old ornament upcycled with puffy paint (snowflake design), spray paint and glitter paint.

 The back of the tree (facing our great room) has an entirely different vibe...
 vintage ornaments from my childhood and my kids' creations. some day i'll have enough handmade ornaments so that these guys will get their own tree.

The Living Room...

our card display.  i just took these branches, punched holes in the cards and... voila, instant card tree!

The Santa Photo Display...
the only downside of having these photos together... when your kids start asking why all the santa's look different.  oops!

The Tree Vignette in our Entry...
details and links to the diy here

The Family Room...

i embraced my inner-girl and purchased this mini white tree and candy-themed ornaments on deep discount. it's the Martha Stewart brand from Macys and i LOVE it!

i used gold lame (my old diy tree skirt) and my snowflake garland to spiff it up.

and our very cheery JOY mantel.  

And THAT is a wrap!  I have a couple more errands to run and we should be set for Christmas!
