Smarty Pants wanted to celebrate his 5th birthday with a Police Party. What better place to kick off a police-themed party than a police station? We arranged for a tour of our local sheriff station and were guided through the ins-and-outs of "a day in the life" of a police officer. Along with the station tour, we were able to check out a police car and also learn about safety, which I think is always important for kids (and adults) to hear. Sometimes sound advice just resonates more coming from a person in uniform!
Here's a recap of the Police Party:
[click here for more detail on the invitations]
::police station tour::
Upon arrival, each child received a badge and trooper hat
i created the badges in photoshop using this clipart
the boys posing in front of the station...
one of these days i'll get them in a photo together...
the birthday boy and his little brother wore custom tshirts that i made with a little help from photoshop, this clip art, printable cotton fabric
& wonder under
The officer did a great job of showing the kids (and parents) some of the equipment that he uses on the job. Batons... gun belt... bulletproof vest... billy club... Lets just say that he had our undivided attention.
The kids loved getting an up-close view of the police car...
but the siren did scare a few.
Happy Vee was eager to jump into the police car...
but then wondered why there was no fun stuff to play with in the backseat.
and why do the doors automatically lock? hmmm....
The tour also included a look behind-the-scenes of the police station and, of course, a visit to the holding cell... didn't get a photo of that, but here's the booking room...
look what happens when you are coerced volunteer... papa was a trooper!
After the Police Station tour, everyone was feeling rather ravenous, so we continued the party at a local restaurant.
::the setting::
i didn't get a good shot of the table...
[see here for the full decor details]
not to be mistaken with "pop" corn...
and, this being a police party and all, we HAD to have donuts (aka chocolate & cinnamon cheerios)
i wanted to hang up more of these medallions, but the tape wasn't working too well on the walls, and the ceiling/light fixtures were too high... ah well.
To keep the kids entertained while we were waiting for the food, they each were given a magnifying glass and an "i spy" place mat.
i photocopied a page from an "i spy" book and modified it for the 3-5 year old set by adding simple pictures and words.
i purchased the wood stars at joanns, then spray painted them white and glued a bar pin
on the back. the kids were then armed with glitter paint pens and paint brushes. they came out pretty nice!
donuts... yum!
the donut holes were the perfect size for the kids and practically guilt-free for the adults!
my favorite part? the star garland topper... adds just the right amount of shine.
[click here for more detail on the "donut" tower]
muslin bags purchased here
the stars are buttons from joanns that i stitched on with embroidery thread
in the bag: police book
, police matchbox car, flashing bouncy ball, crocheted handcuffs, mini donuts
thank you tag
mini donuts: chocolate & cinnamon cheerios
crocheted handcuffs
my mom crocheted these handcuffs using this pattern.
she said it took 3 hours for each one and we needed 12 sets... yes, my mom's amazing, and yes, we are very lucky!!
the birthday boy, enjoying his special day!
Smarty Pants had a wonderful 5th birthday that he won't soon forget. In his own words, he told me that he "really likes getting bigger" and is already anticipating his 6th birthday... Aaaahhhhh! Slow down, little guy... I'm still getting used to 5! :)
Hope you're having a great day! Once I straighten myself out, I'll be back with some Martha inspiration.
Hope you're having a great day! Once I straighten myself out, I'll be back with some Martha inspiration.

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