Ah ha! To avoid the "fluffy" look, apparently turkey feathers
are key...
full detail here
Ah well, no time to re-do this fella...
Perhaps a project for Christmas 2011!
How are you doing with your Christmas shopping, wrapping & baking?
This weekend I kept myself housebound until I made a dent in the wrapping. I actually had fun with it and will share some DIY gift wrap ideas later this week.
It's been cold and rainy here. I know, you can call me a wimp-- Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy! We keep our thermostat at 67 degrees at night, but The Mister switches off the downstairs heater once the kids go to bed. It's icicle frigid and last night I was wrapping presents with my ski jacket and gloves on. Seriously! I know... I'm old AND wimpy! I'm actually hoping that Santa brings me a Snuggie
I STILL have a few more gifts to buy for the "difficult to buy for bunch"-- my ILs and my dad. Too bad I gave my mom the Snuggie idea last year. :)
Have a fab-u-lous Monday!